Education & Training
In line with our vision and mission, we offer our members a range of opportunities to improve their sustainable living skills, with structured workshops and training courses.
Practical Skills Workshops
These cover topics such as Plant Propagation, Berry Management, Pruning and Grafting Fruit Trees, which are offered most years at appropriate seasons, and occasional workshops on topics such as:
Soap Making
Goat Keeping
Preserving the Harvest
Compost Making
Reading the Landscape
…and much more!
These may be short sessions following a site visit, or half or whole day dedicated activities. We aim to fill in gaps in the range of workshops available from other providers in the Yarra Valley.
Introduction to Permaculture
These short courses introduce students to the ethics, basic principles, and concepts of Permaculture Design, usually including a short garden design exercise or an exploration of permaculture design principles.
Contact for further details.
Note: We are currently reviewing our training structure and will update this page late 2023.
We aim at offering a range of online and in-person courses and workshops to cover the entire scope of permaculture: ethics and principles, design process, climate action, food, water, energy, shelter, medicinals, economic and social needs.